A merino is a breed of which animal?
Correct answer: Sheep

I have merino wool sweaters. they are warm and cozy!!

zouhair zouiten
actually it's origine is from Morocco named after the merinions dynasty

Wish I knew what the hell you're all bleeting on about. Sheep get it.

Nhuca , Umm, relevance?

I bought my daughter's merino hat at Christmas Market in Austria

I studied the amerino sheep in my primary level

Dog's Balls
They keep the Sheep in wee jump suit's to stop the fleece getting polluted prior to sheering

Player #3532789
Ms. Margaret, Did the children have horns too?

Gary, because it's not one of the choice

Merino wool IS very soft. Have some socks I wear even in summer. I like to think of them as insulating me from the heat.

Montana Lady
Player #3730033, xenophobic bigots, dumbing down the human gene pool since the dawn of time....