How many minutes are there in 1 degree?

Correct answer: 60

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
I don’t get it.
Sailor Blue
Sailor Blue
SusieQ1477, It's a geographical term. one degree of latitude is equal to 60 minutes, with each minute being the equivalent of 1 nautical mile (2000 yards), thus 1 degree of latitude is 60 nautical miles. A degree of longitude is 60 minutes, but the length of the minute depends on where you are in the world.
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
I'd like to know what these minutes and seconds are used for. Obviously not time! Following the explanation that each degree has 60 minutes, the a full rotation of 360 degrees has 21,600 minutes (360 x 60). But 1 day only has 1,440 minutes.
Sailor Blue, I didn't know about this. Anyway, your explanation is much better than the one given in the description.
Player #109945361
Player #109945361
My cat’s breath smells like cat food.
Sailor Blue has given the best explanation here... A minute is nautical or geographical mile; also, a unit of angle equal to one-sixtieth of a degree.
Six degrees of separation
gody deguito, SusieQ1477 - Time demonstrated on an analogue clock borrows the terms 'minute' and 'second' from sailing navigational terms. As used in mathematics, 360 degrees in a circle yet minutes/seconds are also used. Small piece of trivia - Although there a three indicators of time on some watches and clocks, the named 'second' hand on an analogue time-piece is so-called due to it dividing the hour a second time by 60