What is the dish beef bourguignon braised in?
Correct answer: Red wine

Player #21163998
Toisha, as a former chef I assure you some of the best gravies are made of white wine.

tres bonus SO good

Player #472602, I don't care what anyone says, white wine of any kind does not a good gravy make! ☺

Becca Sue
JezzerLX, chocolate sauce? 😋 Give us the recipe!

My sister makes this dish and it is absolutely de-lish-us!! I've never made it, but plan to do so soon!

hvnfun, everyone has got its own taste , NO need to be so rude

The meat is seared in bacon grease, not wine. After the meat has been removed, the wine is simmered in the pan then added to the beef.

That moment when u were going to give the right answer but changed your mind.

Player #14993519.
SubstantialFidelity9, ,,I’ll have to look 👀 it up..sounds wonderful

whowants2know, mmm May try that

JezzerLX, bet it was good too

Player #13815766
mistake there

Player Elf Council
jblum315, Had it once and loved it but it didn't love me. I was in agony all night. Found I can't eat anything cooked in wine.

Player #472602, I use Chardonnay to baste my turkey, then along with the turkey drippings it makes the BEST gravy imaginable.