As of 2019, what is the highest recorded tornadic wind speed?
Correct answer: 486 km/h (302 mph)

I was there. It was terrifying. I was 13 years-old & will never forget hiding in the bathtub with my dad, dog, & bird. I left Oklahoma the first chance I had & have never been back!


Player #97184361
Bonnie , One thing that’s left out builders don’t build to suit. Just make money and run. Dont they hire architects and build from second floor. Never furnish first floors. Bet they remember attorneys to sue after the fact. building near rivers, seas and flat lands that was once wetlands watch out caution.!!! just saying.

Player #113990637
Mariposa , who mentioned Louisiana, besides you...?, what??? I must have missed something...

Bonnie , I hope you mean Louisiana because in Los Angeles we get earthquakes.

And the weather keeps getting worse and worse. The tornado wind speeds are getting faster.

RottieMom1023, You we’re smart! I can’t ever figure out why people stay in LA. They are always getting nailed with hurricanes & floods.

TestyAlien3443, lol, you're right.

2 choices that aren't even minimum tornado speed: a breeze and bicycle speed.
Since we're talking highest speed, one choice should have been supersonic just for fun.