What is Belize?
Correct answer: Country

beautiful country, English is common. bit pricy compared to other Latin American countries

Diver Dan, Seems you have done too much. Give it a rest and if you cannot say anything positive, do not say any thing at all. my word!

beer city snake , it's not an island, its part of land with coast on Carribian sea only

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
dan...-, usually agree to remain in the commonwealth as part of the independence agreement

rats I studied long before 1968

It was strange to have to change from telling people my Dad was from British Honduras to saying Belize. Belize used to be a city in British Honduras.

Not sure but I think the British Army used to do their jungle training there

beer city snake , What info box? I don't see anything about an island.

so Belize is not an island?

Syr Hal
Two sentences repetitive.