In which year was the explorer Captain James Cook killed by Hawaiian natives?
Correct answer: 1779

Laudy Miss Claudy
So the Hawaiians realized that these self proclaimed white "gods" were actually evil white men who took advantage of their women and they killed them. Seems fair to me.

Another great explorer Magellan ,first to circumnavigate the globe was killed in similar fashion in 1521 in Philippines by a local chief Lapulapu of Mactan.He was against conversion of his tribesmen.

Murdered?? More like sentenced to death for numerous misdeeds.

Player #50156668
Laudy Miss Claudy, exactly i agree

first thing cooked did when he landed in Botany Bay Australia with take a shot at the Aboriginals on the beach

Player #28164986
Popeye, bit like every navy at that time

I wish I had gotten this question before the "what happened to Captain Cook?" question

Quizzland really likes the Captain Cook's story

And the beach where his monument stands is British territory. The Hawaiin flag bears the Union's Jack.