How many neurons are there in the human body?
Correct answer: About 100 billion neurons

sorong papuabarat
I just picked the highest number 😊

Player #8988878Xet
OMG!! All 12 of my remaining nuerons fired at once....(too many hallucinogenic drugs in the 70's)....

in the human body? Only the explanation says anything about the brain.

Maman Moustique, The question concerns the entire human body, not just the brain.

Maman Moustique
1011? Scientific notation should be used to express 10b, that is: 10 to the 11th power, 10 by the power of 11, or 10^11.

Maman Moustique
For half a century, neuroscientists thought the human brain contained 100 billion nerve cells.
But when Dr Suzana Herculano-Houzel, a neuroscientist from Brazil, started digging, she discovered that no one in the field could actually remember where the "100bn" figure had come from.
Then she and her team devised a new way to count brain cells by taking the brains of 4 adult donators (aged 50 - 71) who died of non-neurological diseases, and turning them into "brain soup". They came up with a different number — 86 billion.
They found that on average the human brain has 86bn neurons. And none of the 4 brains had the 100bn neurons. Even though it may sound like a small difference the 14bn neurons amount to pretty much the number of neurons that a baboon brain has or almost half the number of neurons in the gorilla brain. So that's a pretty large difference actually..

it's not British spelling, it is STANDARD spelling of STANDARD English.

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, The q was about the entire body. Some of yours might be misfiring.

Davy, Livingston, hi Davy, I have MS too, if you would like to contact me my moby is 07783464701, I'm in Ayr.

Player #9809468
thebigtabu, After a certain number, it becomes a bit meaningless, anyway.

Player #3366575
Breckinridge76, history informs those with I sight.

Player #1234791, Please tell me what this has to do with the number of neurones in the brain?