Which of these is an instrument for observation used in armoured vehicles?
Correct answer: Periscope

pikou77,? A submarine has to withstand immense water pressure at great depth, so it is made of reinforced steel. Therefore it is armoured.
Also in WW2 it had to withstand the blast from anti submarine depth charges.

Bartemaeus1066, subs do have to withstand great pressure. The los Angeles class had 3 floating decks so they could move and allow the hull to flex. The nose was made out of glass reinforced plastic. They aren't armored the same way you would say a tank is armoured.

Becca Sue
craftmaker758899, if the earth was flat, cats would have knocked everything off by now

little b
i dont use a perscope

toe jam
like the armored vehicles that pickup the money at banks and businesses.

It’s worded funny. The sentence is odd.

A vehicle is typically described as a means of conveyance not operated on rails...
I would put a submarine is the "ship" class IMO

Becca Sue,
I think some quotes are censored 🙊
Love your theory about flat Earth and cats!

Becca Sue
Today, I look back at this question...where is the comment about which I was commenting? Are some comments edited out or do they disappear when a player uninstalls the game? It seems that controversial comments disappear.