A goiter in humans is attributed to a lack of which essential mineral?

Correct answer: Iodine

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #5344198
Player #5344198
Player #326446, too much sodium? ABSOLUTELY!!! it is an essential part of any bloodwork drawn. next time you see an IV infusion (hospital patient's iv fluids), note it's contents. 0.9%-.45% sodium chloride with various other components is what you will most likely see. this is part of the electrolytes gatorade, etal advertise to replace those lost during sweating, etc. lol...can you tell I was an rn for 34 years? drink up, people!
Player #3928781
Player #3928781
teezee789. Radishes contain iodine .
That's why alot of table salt is ionized to protect against goiters.
Could've done without that photo
My Nan had a goitre due to under active thyroids, she had to have an operation and would joke about it saying “ she had her throat cut open and lived to tell the tale “ god bless her
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
SKULL CRUSHER, Most organs are not pretty, can't think of one.
Gary, ionized? iodinized? We are all victims of autocorrect!