What is the postal abbreviation for Massachusetts?

Correct answer: MA

Try the best trivia game

What people think about it: 15 Comments
Missy K
Missy K
HyperCanary4959, get over it, it was obviously created in the USA, and has questions submitted by people in the States. when you take the time and intellect to create a quiz game, you'll get people whining about what you created. Make your own game or CHOOSE what games are are on your own level, it is a choice to play it or not, correct?
i'd better get this right since it's my home state!
I was born in Salem and grew up in Lynn.... I'm proud of where I came from cuz it's gritty and real. I've been gone for years now, with only visits in the future, but I will always say with pride "Lynn, Lynn, city of sin, you never come out, the way you went in." One Love
Montana Lady, oh hey, that's cool. Maybe I will submit a few questions. It's not in the main menu though. It's in the settings near the bottom.
HyperCanary4959, try the Iranian version
Redeemed 2001
Redeemed 2001
I get these right because I'm retired from the USPS
Proudly from south Boston
Austin Way
Austin Way
Once Went there for vacation and loved it Massachusetts is a very Underestimated state
Lived in Boston, right across Havard Medical School. great historical city many places to visit.
Player #28279092
Player #28279092
I'm extraordinary for getting this right.
hey, I'm from Lynn too, haha, small world. 😆 just kidding it's huge
The Gregor
The Gregor
If these get any easier it'll be like. "Spell C A T".
Player #45505475
Player #45505475
Missy K, Ah me, no matter the situation (( LIKE THIS GAME) There will always be a complainer)) Be happy you are not them and have mercy on these bozos. ,
Player #16978611
Player #16978611
I didn't know the answer but lucky for me I got it right I would want to visit there someday
Kurosawa4848, counted 8 total