How many letters does the largest alphabet in the world consist of?
Correct answer: 74

Seems quite complicated.

Imagine how long THAT alphabet song takes.

And the native Hawaiians can say it all with 12 letters.

Player #41762734
Dorania, I agree, for newbies it is quite hard to comprehend.

Dorania, Would seem it to be very difficult for children to learn to read with running together of letters in phrases, etc.

The Chinese do not have an alphabet but have over 50,000 characters in their writing system, though only about 8,000 are used by educated people.

I speak Khmer and I confirm, it is hard to learn and read. It takes several years to master.

sounds suspiciously like it is descended from Sanskrit

Dorania, the first 3 years of life are the most important when it comes to developing language and speech skills, so if you're exposed to it every day of your life from birth, it would be a lot easier to pick up as you grew older. In my state there are more schools who are starting languages in elementary school, because it has been found that it's easier to learn and master a second language within the first 10 years of life.
Outside of what I just said, yeah it sounds really complicated to me too lol

Republic of China
I do not understand why Chinese is the most hardest language. Should be Khmer/Cambodian Language

I thought Sanskrit/Tamil or Mandarin. However, Khmer language stems from South India.