What is the postal abbreviation for Washington?
Correct answer: WA

Player #6261218
constantgamer0421, have you been to Washington St.? I do know D.C. does not look like that!

Player #3320538
constantgamer0421, I’m from that area and the picture is definitely Washington State!!!

When Rainier does erupt, and does so at half the Pyroclastic force as St. Helen's, half of everything between the Mountain and Tacoma, will be gone. It'll be an event that will dwarf the devastation of Pompeii.
..but it is w/out a doubt one of the most stunning places on this Mortal Coil.

Player #6261218
ConsequentDessert10, I agree. that has to be Washington State

I am so sick of these postal abbreviation questions.

Player Gigi #28446253
No better more beautiful place for diverse landscapes in one place than almost anywhere in the world
My home!

Player #14993519.
Player #3320538, Your right. And it’s beautiful

Player #52279269
this is lake serene if you guys ever want to hike in WA! very beautiful and rewarding!

My brother lives in Washington.

I totally love that place , but I've never seen it before or went there though. From Lalita.

I live in Yakima Washington.Im three hours away from Seattle.Olympia is the Capital of Washington.There are 5 small towns in the lower valley Wapato Toppenish Zillah Granger And Grandview. We're known for our Apples Cherries Grapes Hopes.Were known for Aguractuel and Alcohol.

SniperBrainiac30039, there just a gimme

WindandSea , wow that is very touching. sorry about your loss and so young. he's in a great place and someday you will see him again.

SniperBrainiac30039, to easy to figure out but some awesome information about the places

MotherNature, definitely some beautiful country I live in Oregon and it has some beautiful country also. one of the most amazing places in the world is Crater Lake

Player #6261218, my in laws live in a small town called Morton WA. really neat place

Player #3320538 is so sweet 🥲

I live in a small town called Sultan, Washington it's just 50 miles (80.47 kilometers) from a ski Resort called Stevens Pass.

Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuuun
These abbreviation questions. I'm with you SniperBraniac30039.

Pretty hard to fail a question like that when you take history and geography.

Player #6261218, not at all that place looks more like my HQ

DISNEY CRAZY❤️❤️❤️, Cool I hope you had fun

My cousin went to Washington

I'm from WA so that was easy

Alexandra Opal
I've been to Washington! only to Seattle though.

monkey man
It should be called Wton

Player #35831544
I was born in Seattle,Washington.Seattle is a very awesome place in my opinion

I love my state. It may be small but it is my home <3

the answer is the first one always

SniperBrainiac30039, I am fine with them! No offense though

Daksha Duckie
SniperBrainiac30039, Same

The abbreviations are easy.
One word is a little harder then 2 words.
Alls you use is the first 2 letters of that state or word.

Vince in Camden
constantgamer0421, no that's not dc ... there are no mountains in dc.

constantgamer0421, Wrong! There are no mountains in D.C. I'm planning to relocate from the Chicago area to the beautiful State of Washington.
