Who appears on the radio as the DJ in the film "American Graffiti"?
Correct answer: Wolfman Jack

clap for the Wolfman.......

also he was the host of the midnight special. great music following Johnnie Carson.

He made the film seem so real.

loved listening to him in the late 60's and early 70's!

George Lucas genius filmmaking..... deciding to use Wolfman Jack instead of an Allen Freed copy. Allen Freed would have been the logical choice for the time period, but since the DJ voice was central and not the visual, WJ was better.

Player #8988878Xet
"This is the WOLFMAN..." !!!!

He also used to host a horror show on Saturday nights called Creature Feature.

lived in LA and listened to him on XERB out of Mexico. They're signal was so strong you could listen on the toaster.

As a high schooler in the mid 60's and living in Houston at the time, I could not believe my old used '59 Ford's AM radio was picking up this guy broadcasting out of Mexico. Talk about "High Tech" back then. Wow!!

As a preteen in NYC, I remember a contest, draw a picture of what you think Wolfman Jack looks like.

American Graffiti was based on Mel's drive-in diners that were based in the Bay Area where we would cruz from SF to San Jose listening to WJ the whole time!

Shut up STORM EAGLE, !!! We had a 1970 Ford station wagon and got WJ on AM while driving cross country (summer '77)

Nerak 7
I saw wolfman at an Airport in California.. he was picking up his luggage. .. really nice person

Player #120374466
EricHahnNo1, Yeah, I remember the station that csrried him was from Tijuana?

Player #120374466
I used think he was black because of the way he talked and most of his music choices were from black performers.

Gary, Loved Midnight Special as a kid. Snuck downstairs on weekends to watch. I thought Wolfman was the coolest.

It was Alan Freed, not Alas Freed

He's the bomb back in the day. My pops used to get a radio station with him an the tunes of the 50's. Ahhh.... what memories. Great movie too. It's a keeper 😎!

Player #1334577
Gary, he was on WLS in Chicago