Which bird is in the picture?
Correct answer: Parrot

I used to have a blue crowned parrot, named Macha, he was so cool! We lost him due to a hurricane (Florida), it blew his pen over and he flew away, though he did come around quite often for the next couple of years, seemed he had found a small family within that time too!

Beautiful plumage!

parrots are beautiful birds!! I would live to have an African parrot so I would have somebody to talk to. lol

My exes sister had a Minah bird that " cussed" slot and said people's names. One day was shopping at the mall and something stopped me in my tracks! I kept hearing the name Michael with a few cuss words! I went to the pet store and there was her bird!!

What a lovely parrot it is!

Player #14993519.
constantgamer0421, Wow surprised you ever saw him again,,I have a extra large Blue Jay that is wild, comes to feed in my yard, I leave food, especially nuts for him, he has big white dots shaped like the letter Z on his back, named him ZZ Top ,,Beautiful blue with white specks on their backs,,lovely birds,

ChewyGazelle68623, We have one she's 37 (they can live to be 80)- she carries on conversations with us all day

millwallmarty, I had a galah and a sulphur crested cockatoo. They went by the names of Mr. Cockathree and Shorty. =)

My neighbor had an Amazon parrot and whenever anybody knocked on her door he would say “Come in”

bagguet kitty
easy Peasy look at meazy

B Dog
Conures are super smart birds, I had one who was by miles & miles the best pet I ever had

Mankaran Singh Chugh
That was easy mostly in India there are only green parrots who repeat whatever u say.

constantgamer0421, really

I have Indian ringneck parrot

Parrots are beautiful birds.

there was a parrot native to the Carolinas, the Carolina Paroket, but farmers with orchards killed them off for eating fruit

i love parrots 😍
the parrot in this picture is so pretty

Player #11510074
Gary-Melb Aust, I have a property in moruya new , seen them around here in the bush

sree sravani
beautiful question

( Snail Darter)
EarliestSpur6, It depends on the specie.....For a Parrot, Blue Fronts aren’t near as loud as African Grey’s.

Beautiful bird, annoying but beautiful. Sort of like my girlfr.... oops!