What can't newborns do until they are a couple of weeks old?
Correct answer: Produce tears

what?? now I want to see a tiny baby!! no one ever told me that, and I have 3 kids!!😳

Laudy Miss Claudy
KookyOrangutan5005, It's true. Newborns don't produce tears when they cry. I am an RN in labor and delivery and the only ones I've seen with tears after a delivery are the parents. Also, did you know that newborns can breathe and swallow at the same time?

KookyOrangutan5005, Exactly, right? What the heck!! I have 4 kids, 3 grandkids and so many nephews I lose count and money. But no one told me ANYTHING about this little fact. Hahaha

Player #1284040, I never noticed that there was no actual tears when they cried. thanks for the info.

Player #15603440
never knew this

Player Eldehem
KookyOrangutan5005, I have 3 kids and 10 grandkids, a BA Hons, and am 66yrs old: first time I've ever heard of it🤔 but when I think back I realise it is actually true! I think when there's a newborn in the family you don't have time to wonder if that racket they make produces any tears 🤣

Player Darius
KookyOrangutan5005, Why did no one ever tell us this?

I learned this in my birthing classes. When my first baby started crying with tears it made me cry.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I’ve got 2 boys & 2 grandkids & I never knew that! Thanks for the info. 😎

Sully Girl
KookyOrangutan5005, didn't know this either , 4 kids and 7 grandchildren and I'm just learning this now lol

I'm a momma and a nurse! knew this. ofc didn't notice with my son tbh... just ran when I heard him cry so I could figure out what he needed and comfort him.

When I read the question my first thought was "hold their head up" but that wasn't an option. But it makes sense that they can swallow and breathe at the same time, otherwise how would they be able to suckle, much less have a bottle shoved in their mouth for a solid 10 minutes. But the breathing and swallowing is probably why they get gas and have to be burped after feeding.

the reflex tearing is crazy though! How's that happen if the ducts aren't fully formed? 🤔

Thidar Aung (Dolly)
I never notice about this

Player #15603440, I did not know this, but I knew babies could do the other three things.

Tina M.
I must have read this info from my Dr. Spock book. I was a very young mom, so I would often times read from that book to calm my fears and help me figure out what was wrong with my baby. Later, I became quite experienced with my second and third baby.

Player #7076052
not sure how accurate that is. I've seen babies produce tears when drawing their blood after 24 hours old.

Now I am imagining a world where the correct answer to this question would actually be "defecate". That. Would. Be. Awesome. Sometimes I honestly think that's all newborns ever do, hahaha!

Laudy Miss Claudy, wow never knew that. #NewMom

Never noticed the lack of tears

Really interesting! I have two daughters but never knew this!

Newborns must be able to move their fingers 'cos they can grab hold of your hand, they can hear even while still in the womb, & they can certainly defacate! (although probably not until after their first proper feed) So by process of elimination it had to be tears.

3 to 12 weeks isn't "a couple" of weeks. The question is badly worded

Yap!! I work with newborns! it's true!!

Little Saint, she said infants “ can “ not “cannot”

KookyOrangutan5005, I know right?!?!? I have 2 and I was pretty sleep deprived, but I should have remembered whether they had tears....

I have 3 children I missed that! Have to wait for Grand Babies to notice now.

Unbelivable you are so wrong

I hadn't known this until quite recently.

Laudy Miss Claudy, 😯 Breathe and swallow at the same time, crazy!!