Who is Henry Bemis, a holocaust survivor and book lover, in the U.S. TV "Twilight Zone" episode?
Correct answer: Burgess Meredith

the original Twilight Zone series by Rod Serling was thoughtful and insightful.

Laudy Miss Claudy
And what's worst, he breaks his glasses on the steps oc the library.

Rod Sterling was a Genius who existed WAY before his time.
Recently saw a Tribute / Documentary of Rod with 5 episodes of this incredible series.[ In a Theater ]

DiabolicalJoker25653, because it was written well. I'll take something well written over something with effects anyday.

Poor Bemis got a raw deal, totally undeserved.

beebee, that is one of the great things about the series - the ironic twist at the end.

Player #11184418
stashio2020, but there were all those empty houses and stores - I always wondered why he wouldn't go find another pair of glasses.

Player #598872
SQinfoNUTS, twillight zone was great. l still watch the old shows and never tire of them.

Player #4319749
One of the very best short stories ever. I'm a voracious reader who could, in his stead, have groped the world to find glasses. To find them I'd dig thru glass to find prismic pieces to see in increments. As a machinist(& much more), & as a seriously myopic south paw, I feel him pain. I would read my life's content. Just saying.... Make Do.

what about the one where he is judged as obsolete!!!

Nana Billye
My favorite!!

I had turned my daughter into a tz fan during the syfy network new years marathon and she used to ask what was going to happen and I had to keep telling her to keep watching I didn't want to spoil the show by giving away the main part of the story. one of her favorite tz episode is the eye of the beholder which she was totally surprised by the ending

Player #120374466
Whenever I the watched (very few times) the Zone I was always left feeling depressed

This is my all-time favorite episode of The Twilight Zone. What devastation is wrought upon poor Henry, not so much by nuclear Armageddon, but by broken glasses.

Player #11184418, Bemis was near-sighted, not far-sighted.

Mars V
“It’s not fair!”

does anyone know who did all of those paintings in the night gallery I loved he also did that as well as the twilight zone

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #11184418, in his prescription?

Wow, just watched this episode a week or 2 ago

what about saying that he broke his glasses and wouldn't be able to read those books?

when I was little I cried for him because he broke his glasses.

Player #19729569
Burgess Merideth also played the penguin on Batman!!

Alan M
Player #11184418,
Could not see

Alan M
What happened is that he accidentally broke his only pair of reading glasses and the world was annihilated.
His books was useless since he was now blind

For years the SciFi channel has done Twilight Zone marathons on certain three day holiday weekends. I always end up spending hours watching the shows.

Who is he? You mean Who played the character.

Player #30375873
I've never forgotten this episode. The ending is extraordinarily powerful.

This is on of my favorite twilight zone story

He broke his glasses if I recall, great episode!

ZyggyStardust, it's not fair at all

Player. Ty
Rod Serling..... the Man with permanent Lock Jaw

Player #3196549
And he broke his glasses at the end of the episode

Player #9914179
Laudy Miss Claudy, great episode, but then they were all great.

KILLean17, um, the episode is over 50 years old. I was surprised they didn't give it away in the answer.

beebee, It was so sad. If only a glass repair person had lived as well.

Player #7106191, Absolutely! But why ruin the surprise twist ending for the player that may not have seen it?