'Strine' is a vernacular language spoken in which country?
Correct answer: Australia

Player #K
Sorry, but as an Aussie, I say 'Strayan' is more accurate.

Old Fool
Player #K, Sorry to you, the Australian vernacular was called 'Strine' back in the '60s long before it started to be called 'Strayan', in the late '90s at the earliest.
Refer to the book "Let Stalk Strine" by "Affabek Lauder" (alphabetical order to non Ausies) published in 1966, available on Goodreads and Amazon among others.

You bewdy cobber.

Old Fool, both are correct as both are used and understood.

As an Aussie, I have never heard a can of beer, referred to as a "tube" LOL

I pulled a Bradbury on this question! Fair dinkum! I just said avago and you bewdy I nailed it.

Republic of China
Wanna hear a joke?
Australia is
Aus = horse
stra = stray
lia = 'ere
So an Aussie said "stray' ere" instead of Strayan 😂😂😂

Player #7331704, nah, the stiff upper lip gets too tired.

lily 21, it means "Australian".