What is the largest bird in the world?
Correct answer: Ostrich

Feral ostriches. That'll give a person nightmares.

Player #4250921
Player Cosmo Chic, Sounds like ostriches might be related to velociraptors.

Player #25874027
Player #8472203,
Albatross is largest wingspan I think

Skam of ML
There was an Ostrich running around in a Village yesterday

little b
I don't like birds

Mars V
Ostrich burgers 🍔 are yummy! 😋

Zappo, it maybe the Thanksgiving dinner!!! Huge table!!! It can the whole family

Who dares to fail this question?😡😩

I am not a fan of ostrich they sacre me

Star Cat!
Feral ostriches? They can kick hard and got mad claws, thats a nightmare for people who have kids and pets, THEY CAN KILL PEOPLE OK.

very very very easy

The fastest bird. Also it lays the egg which is the biggest compared to the others. And one more fun fact... An ostrich's eye is of the size of its brain! Isn't it amazing !?

Player #8472203
thaught the albatross was the largest