What is a group of lions called?
Correct answer: Pride

Player #4566686
all animals must be protected from evil mankind

Player Peña Power
Wolves are a pack.

Player #4395928
Love cats. All cats. They're such a beautiful animals.

Player tuffox, Man doesn't stop extinction he is the cause of most Extinction including ourselves one day

Such magnificent creatures .. yet mankind are so intent on hunting, and killing these beautiful creatures, will our future generations still be able to see them living as they should be .. living free, and not holed up in an enclosure not nearly a quarter of the size he/she needs?! Makes you think. Man is the most destructive hunter on Earth .. FACT!

Player #4395928, Me too. Pity that male lions, taking over a pride will kill all the cubs from the previous leader, zebra stallions do the same. Other species too, I imagine.

Player #9421747
It is a parliament of owls

Laudy Miss Claudy
A crash of rhinos and a puff od Pomeranians.

thank you Walt Disney !!!

human nature is to destroy everything and it self

Sadly, as in a lot of species who have a male leader, if the leader dies or is killed or beaten in a fight, the new leader kills all the young cubs or foals who still rely on their mothers (this happens in wild horses and zebras too)
It sounds cruel, but the new leader needs to ensure that the females will be ready to mate with him.

Lady butterfly, a flock of sheep and birds

Lady butterfly
A flock of sheep and birds

Walt Longmire talks about this in the 1st scene of Longmire. Love it! Thanks Walt.

What an amazing picture!!!!!

Laudy Miss Claudy, actually it is a Tuft of Pomeranians

Laudy Miss Claudy, and a congregation of alligators and a murder of crows

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, I wonder whether it's a radical way of killing any future opposition or competition. If that's the case then one can see why accessing to power or keeping power is a bloody business, literally or metaphorically.

Player #4566686, Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Such a wordplay ❤️

Player #3093136
who else learned this from the lion king.

clever clogs
Rdminds me of the lion king

Player #44502245
i was wrong😌

Player #43711741
the pride is only answer

Player #32567393
Player #4395928,
Cozzy 25,
Same here. I wish I could have a cat where I live.

Player #22333632
Beautiful animals!

Puppy lover!!
Arsenalbaby, Your right. They belong to the Canis Lupus family, the same as dogs.

Puppy lover!!
Player #18322460, The plural of fish is fish. The plural of sheep is sheep too.

Puppy lover!!
CatLadyLouxx, The only reason they live in inclosures is because they are either at a high threat of extinction and are being protected, or they are sick, or injered. If thet are fine, they are released back into the wild.

Laudy Miss Claudy, pod of whales, troop of monkeys, murder of crows!!!

Vijay Kumar S, a school of fish, a team of oxen.

I think they take pride when they move in groups...lol😂

A pride of lions,a pack of wolves,a herd of cattle.

Player #18322460
a pride of lions
a school of fishes
a team of players
a pack of wolves

Vaishno Shukla
all animals should be saved as they are an important part of nature

lm poshia #1
pack of wolves
school of fish
team of players
pride of lions

jen4760, I would like to cut off the ahole hunters' heads and put them on a wall.