Which food containers are not harmful to people's health?
Correct answer: Glass

Isabella Alessi
I have terminal cancer. When I was diagnosed I did so much extensive research from many reliable sources. Plastic, Teflon, aluminium, non stick do contribute to ill health. It’s difficult to be totally non toxic in our world but awareness offers choice.

elizabeth bennett,
I have bought and used pirex glass dishes and plates for decades. Easy to clean and excellent to cook and store in.

Isabella Alessi, God bless you

Player #10639782
glass is definitely more healthy.
here's a great tip. if you bake anything in your glass dish and it burns on, a great way to lossen it is to put in a bigger roast pan with hot water and baking soda, put into oven, high heat in oven for an hour

Player #10639782
the baking soda will eventually lossen the blackened burnt food. the glass dish will come out clean. you may still have some spots but the most of the burnt will be gone

plastic is somewhat controversial as to being bad for the health as it is a by product of petroleum.

This is very disturbing to me because I grew up with my parents storing all leftovers etc in plastic containers...and now I do it as well. Where I live, plastic dishes are so much more expensive so it's easier to go plastic but clearly I'm gonna have to make a change now.

Frugal Fred
Glass can and does take on strong flavours such as vinegar. If you dispute this try smelling a jar that has held pickles or chutney. You can still detect a faint aroma even after thorough cleaning.

Player #22985082
Glass and stainless steel food grade is my choice but i did notice glassware from china is much cheaper and if there is lead content now i know why. Its really hard for consumers to play super sleuths just do your best to select the right ones. Read, read, read more.....

Fredx, I've found plastic absorbs odors much more than glass.

Lady Lola
Isabella Alessi, May God pour His blessings on you!! 🙏

Isabella Alessi, So sorry you're so poorly thank you for the information. Best wishes

Tina M.
Abs, don't you mean plastic dishes are less expensive?

I did NOT have any idea about this information. THANK YOU!

I suffered a severed artery thanks to broken glass, so much for it not being harmful to health.

Player #25874027
Player #26264402,
It’s called a bain marie which I think is wife’s bath , but is just water when used in cooking

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Isabella Alessi, I’ll pray for a healing for you. 😎

Is plastic that is PBA free safe?

Player #8008224gato
SAC69, I agree w/ u

TenseDragon91145, I think the plastic is getting in the way of your thoughts🙃

ComicalYodeler147, What ???

SAC69, I agree but we need to trade with them to help our Farmers
that's what Trump's camp doesn't have a clue about. I live in Arkansas and it's the largest rice producer in the country. know who buys all that Rice? CHINA

Player #3742615, you may want to take a look on the internet at the scientific research

glasses-are rthe:;rghh: