Who are the authors of the song 'We Are the World'?
Correct answer: Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie

Player #4047702
A beautiful song written for a good cause and sung by the best singers in 1985

that was a very good song and helped alot of people!! Quinck Jones told EVERYBODY to check their egos at the door!! Read it in Rolling Ston Magazine so it must be true!! that was vety cool of him!!

Player Gigi #28446253
Great song and great performance. Watched it on TV!

Player #113165
Sonicgirl, Michael Jackson didn't die of a heart attack where have you been

love the song. Bought the tape and video long ago. MJ AND Lionel and Quincy did a great job along with the rest of the singers.

Player #113165
Sonicgirl, what is wrong with u great song that raised a lot of money for a good cause

Katy Jo
I didn't know this one!

Player #4047702, meant turned down the offer. Prince

Player #4047702, Prince. refused .actually turned off the offer in join in the wonderful group of singers. I still play this music. enjoy it .

Player #5100533
That was easy & Very Hard at the same time. I didn't know the answer, but I KNEW Michael Jackson was one of them. SO? I GOT THIS...

craftmaker76, TF?

Player Elf Counsel
lily 21, And now we have a hundred fires burning here in Queensland. a long, dry. and warm winter and already, just one week into spring, temperatures in the thirties. Plus high winds? Homes destroyed. It's a nightmare.

The song We Are The World written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie.
The lyrics went something like, “ We are the world. We are the children.....”