Which film has a Marine colonel using the phrase: "You can't handle the truth!"?
Correct answer: A Few Good Men

lily 21, thats what makes him one of the greatest EVER! He can make you love him or hate him.

Great acting as always for Jack Nicholson. He plays a great bad guy! Good movie.

Nashville Bound
that you want in your future career. I have seen Jack Nicholson in some roles where I hated him and then roles where he was lovable and funny so he has incredible range and is very talented

Nashville Bound
Tanya, I have done community theater since I was 6 and it was always my dream to be a singer and actress I graduated early at 15 and got a full scholarship to Sarah Lawrence and in all of my theatre experience I have only had to play the bad guy 1 time and my director told me if you can really get this character and make the audience hate you then go back to playing your lovable roles where the audience is rooting for you and loving you then you can show your range and get any role

Player Ejag
Player LV Lizard 🦎, The Departed.😎

Player LV Lizard 🦎
lily 21, what's the movie Matt Damon, Mark Walburg, Leonardo, and Jack???? Despicable character too, but great movie 😃

Player LV Lizard 🦎, the movie you're talking about is The Departed

I believe that Cuba Gooding, Jr. was also in that movie playing Cpl. Hammaker.

Anger management with Adam Sandler, funny 🤣

Kieffer Southerland did an awesome job, he helped make the movie

Guillermo Jr.
Nashville Bound, good luck and good fortune to you!!

I heard that Jack Nicholson ad-lib that famous line from the movie it wasn't in the script but good thing they kept it.

Player Gigi #28446253
Nashville Bound, did it work, and are you making it in the entertainment world? I wish you the best!

Player Gigi #28446253
Uninitialized, he was great and terrible in All the Best!

Player Gigi #28446253
Wow, that is a lot of money!

Player #13023389
Great movie, I've seen it 3 or 4x. Cruise is a great lawyer, Nicholson is really good too. Debby

Player LV Lizard 🦎, The Departed . ✴️

Player LV Lizard 🦎, the departed

Player #20136064
Nicholson ad-libbed the line

A great movie based on a play in which a major plot point was changed by Reiner in the film to make it more ambiguous.

Didn't the movie take place at the dmz of North and South Korea?

Player #1272420, seriously what is your disorder??? We are trying to play a game. Not have a political discussion. Not the time nor the place for your self absorbed idiocy!!

Player #7095882
go get them boys

What a blast that court had!

Player #1272420, you have a one track mind