In which city were the Beatles formed?
Correct answer: Liverpool

Player-T G 3503313
One of the greatest ever 😎

Player #6438744
love the Beatles

Player #96919
Player #6438744, I was born in December 1958 so I can just about remember seeing them on TV but remember their songs very well as they are still played as much today

Player #4250921
I will get by with a little help from my friends.

The greatest band of all time !!

Player #3532789
Player #6438744, I was lucky enough to see them live in Montreal!!!!

Player #6438744, BEATLES ROCK!!

Player #8553765
I Totally Agree Nightrunner I Know All The Lyrics To All Their Songs

Player #25924774
SOOTI, rest in peace George Harrison and John Lennon.
when I'm 64 came out when I was in high school. I can relate with the lyrics now 50 years later

Player #32567393
Player #3532789,
Cozzy 25,
My parents took me to a Beatles concert when I was 12. I loved Ringo!! 😎

Four .. of the best performers ever..

little b
I've been to Liverpool

Flower Lady, Bad Menton from Beig, that’s super cool!!!

Spyder , I don't believe thats right. I thought it was the other way around. Monty Python people were in the Rutles.

Player #25924774, Me too! Im a Beatles fanatic! Wish I could have seen them, even though you could hardly hear them over the screaming. Wow! What a band!!

Spyder , silly you!! the rutles was a parody group founded in the mid 70's.....long after the Beatles were formed in 1960

There will never be a band better than The Beatles!

I'm an Avid Fan of The BEATLES til now, i'm 61 LUV the beatles so much.!!!

They totally ripped off The Rutles, pre fab four...

Player #2591264
I’m from Nottingham so I knew it was not that answer

Player #96919, womder what happened to beatles cartoons? the were like mini music videos

Flower Lady
Bad Mentor from Beig, that's super cool!!!

Pete Best?