Which bird species is considered the smartest?

Correct answer: Crow

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What people think about it: 30 Comments
construction of tools and use of tools as well as Counting. these crows are definitely smarter than some kids today.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
Player #21173880, crows can learn to talk as well, but I think they have to have a surgical procedure. Check out crows! They are amazing birds! If you're good to them, they will remember you. Be bad to them, and they're known to destroy your things!
I saw one repeatedly throw a walnut into the street until it threw one right in front of the front wheel of a car, and it cracked it for him. That's one expensive nutcracker and one brilliant bird.
I have a relative in Adelaide, Australia who feeds the local magpies and they are incredibly intelligent as well...same family as crows
Counting Crows was named after smart crows. Great band
all corvids are extremely intelligent. when my cats have killed a magpie about 20 surround my house seeking revenge and my cats have to stay in until dark when the magpies have left. Remember Hichcock's film The Birds,
I love crows. If you are kind to them, they will be your friend forever. This friendship will pass down through generations of crows. It is also true that if you are unkind to crows. They will respond to you negatively. I feed the ones that come to our porch railing tendered fat. They bring gifts to my husband and me. I lost a pendant that I had for 45 years. It was the Aztec calendar. I bought it in Yucatán while we were living there and wore it for years. When we moved back to Pennsylvania, I lost it and felt badly. This summer it appeared on the porch railing where we leave food for the crows. It was a gift from one of our corvid buddies. I’d apparently lost it somewhere in our yard and crows, who are attracted to shiny objects, returned it to me. We’ve received several gifts recently, all of them shiny.
they remember so be good to them... a flock of them isn't a murder without reason
Player #24358685, Yes! A crow remembers specific human faces for years.
in some Indigeous American understanding, Crows are known as Magic Messengers :😀
Player #77713842, Is that right? That's the first good news I've ever heard in any sentence about Cane toads.
Player #77713842, Need some In Florida then.
Player #77713842
Player #77713842
In Australia, the only creature smart enough and capable of killing and eating a cane toad is a native Crow
Roxanne, Excellent point. The average lifespan of an indoor cat is thirteen years. The average lifespan of an outdoor cat is two years. These are AVERAGES--it is not necessary to write hundreds of comments about 20 year old cats. I had one, too. The point is, outside there are cars, dogs, people who don't like cats, and, importantly, other cats. Feral cats. Big males who don't tolerate newcomers in their territory. That's a lot to try to survive each day. Besides, they kill all the birds and squirrels in whole neighborhoods. Thirty years ago, my backyard was full of blue jays, cardinals, mockingbirds, and other birds, plus whole families of squirrels in my pecan trees. Today, the only thing that ever moves out there is another cat passing through, stopping just long enough to leave a few fleas behind to infest every yard in the neighborhood.
Birds in the crow and parrot families have much larger heads and much larger brains than the vast majority of birds
Player #33730537
Player #33730537
Crows also hold court and carry out executions if necessary. They are definitely working their way up the evolutionary ladder. If the robots don't take over it will definitely be the crows.
Lorraine , cats are credited with killing 1.3-4 BILLION birds a year just in the US. Cats belong indoors. And I am a cat lover so don’t think I’m not. Their life expectancy drops to just a few years if they roam. Keep them indoors and just deal with cat litter. It’s worth it. Many of my cats have live to 20 years and older.
Player #24358685, yes do remember a person. great memories
The counting crows 😆
Susan, thanks for suggestion. Crows and I have a strong connection 😉
Globular Martian
Globular Martian
Player #24358685, Jackdaws are members of the Corvid family. They are great at mimicking, as are Magpies.
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
Player #11964828, That’s why the saying - counting crows.!
Check out Prof. John Marzluff of University of Washington. Crows: Smarter Than You Think.
Player #24358685, I’ve never heard of a surgical procedure for that. There was one at a Nature center when we were little. His nabe was Joe & he was quite chatty.
Player: Coco
Player: Coco
FYI: The encephalization quotient (EQ) is a measure of relative brain size and is often used to convey how small or large a species brain is compared to that of other species of similar body size.
SQinfoNUTS, and adults.
also a member if the corbid family
Player dwelsh113
Player dwelsh113
SQinfoNUTS, I have read that they have regional dialect.
Player #16702581
Player #16702581
I've rescued a few crows and they were amazing!
GenerousTreasure3933, so you are. And so you are.