Uranium decays into which element?
Correct answer: Lead

Fun guy
yet lead lining prevents radiation penetration...

makes ya wonder if lead is still hot at all. in the past they tried to turn lead into gold,odd that the value of uranium approaches that of gold now.⛵

lead-based paint on old homes. Uggg.

MadMarcus1812, when they mined stuff to use in pencils , they didn't know it was graphite ,they thought it was a black ore of lead.. and called it "lead black. ". it was always graphite

Player #25874027
As others have pointed out the lead in pencils is actually graphite. This is a form of carbon

ReflexProposal11, the radioactivity of lead gives it a signature that tells scientists where the lead came from .. but don't worry it's not more radioactive than other rocks ...

MadMarcus1812, That's a myth. The "lead" in wooden pencils is graphite.

Player #62752956
Ironstine, didn’t know that. Thanks.

plumbum is were we get plumbers from. Romans who worked with lead pipes in ancient Rome.

I like to think of myself as having a scientific mind, but this is brand new information. awesome 👍

The answer forgot to mention about half-life. Am not sure but I think it is the time for uranium to decay into lead.

Player #41472437
my Grandmother used to black lead the fire grate. It was graphite polish.