Which of these is a large extinct flightless bird?
Correct answer: Dodo

Very sad, poor bird :(

Player Say what!?
JezzerLX, Unfortunately, way too many people have no conscience and feel it's their right to do whatever they want.

No natural predator. They were the prey.

Uninitialized, I share your sentiments, but I think we humans are just naturally short sighted (not to mention greedy) and oblivious to possible consequences of our actions. Pity, we DO have such potential.

Concorde SST
After doing a lot of research into this unassuming and gentle bird, I will never again utter the insensitive saying of "Gone the way of the Dodo", or any others that disrespect the memory of this terribly unfortunate creature.
What a horrific fate it endured at the hands of those, to be fair, often starving seamen and their clubs, and the animals that came on the ships with them. Really a horrible way to die and pass into extinction.

Player #49986886
This is heartbreaking. People are the worst predators of all.

glodan17, the emu is not extinct

Player #53455830
Remains of the extinct bird was found some years back in Mare aux Songes, on the island.

Another victim of humans. Sometimes I think the earth would be better off without us. Even here in the US we are rounding up our wild horses, selling them to slaughter in Mexico and giving this publuc land to cattlemen. So to hell with another one of our national treasures. Cruelty is our genes and hearts.

Player elguapo
the earth is an oblate spheriod