Where would you find an antimacassar?
Correct answer: Inside a house

Player Elf Counsel
Jo, I remember them. Back when I was young men tended to use Brylcream on their hair and the and they
would protect the chair backs.

Great info. Thank you Quizland

I didn't know any of this, but my Grandparents and other older people at the time of my youth tended to have these Antimacassars on their chair backs. I never knew what they were called; I have learned that only now.

Nana crocheted many for use in her and my mother's house! To go with the doilys!

So show a picture of a field.That will fool them.lol

We still use them. Just didn’t know they had a name. We don’t use grease in or on our hair or bodies. But the body has natural oils. So this protects our furniture.

toothless beachrat
"Brylcreme a little dab will do ya, for men who use their heads about their hair".

Cool. I knew what they are, but the additional information in the explanation was really interesting.

I thought they were just to decrease wear and tear on the furniture as we had them on all our furniture when I was child and my dad, who used brylcreme, always sat in the same chair "Dad's chair"

Smallest gem?

Player Bengal Mama
chops, Fooled some, apparently. I have always hated oiled hair. Not only unattractive but dirty.