What is Hansen's disease also called?
Correct answer: Leprosy

Laudy Miss Claudy
Hansen's disease can be cured with a combination of 2 or 3 antibiotics like dapsone with rifampicin and clofazimine.

leper colony in the United States of America. It is located in the state of Louisiana. There are less than one dozen residents.

Player #8799671GOLLY
Gary, I believe that the name was changed to reduce the stigma 4 people who had the disease. my personal opinion is this is a good thing. people who have leprosy are suffering enough without having comments made but ignorant people.

krikor1409, not sure if it's fact but I recently watched an episode of Monk and it was said that the disease is easily treated now.

armadillos carry leprosy

Player #12177380
free all leprechauns

since this is a bacterial infection that it's now treated with several antibiotics, why would there be leper colonies anywhere? that's as logical as having TB colonies, which is MUCH more infectious!

It's not something you really need to worry about considering that 95% of the human race are completely immune to it.

Player #9113963
Louisiana leprosy=easy access to armadillos..used in treatment as they carry leprosy
what ever caused this discovery,?? amazing yep.

I heard it mentioned in the Bible. I’m not sure of the verse or the chapter.

I know this from the book Sweet Bean Paste - a Japanese novel..

Player #3138816
Player #15321751, we went there too! Very interesting and an eerie place. Also it was quiet there even with the tourists. A surreal place !

Player #18996322
Player #9113963, they have it here in two lakes well they did years ago few hours from here

Player #18996322
TrickyPoodle1794, I did not know this

Player #16273073
stashio2020, thank you I will read that!

Player #15321751
, I read that Leprosy is a bacillus, related to T. B and cab be treated wit ha combination of anti leprosy and anti T. B drugs. Found this out when I went to Spinolonga.

Player #9113963
leprosy still found in Mexico

I honestly had no idea this disease even still exists. Very surprised! 🤒🤕

Player #9442102
Gary, Because people freak out when leprosy is mentioned.

Player #13495380
Hello it's everywhere.

stashio2020, there's a good historical fiction book called "Moloka'i" can't recall the author's name. Fictional protagonist but she's based on actual inhabitants of the colony.

I've always heard it called leprosy. it's been called that for thousands of years. Why do we need another name for it? this is what confuses people giving other names to the same thing. I guess people want their name attached to something as a legacy.