Which fruit has a delicious taste but disgusting odor?
Correct answer: Durian

Player #96919
they sound revolting. if something smells horrible then you are not gonna eat it, well I'm not gonna

The fruit is banned in many hotels throughout Asia

nope, never heard before

Breath out while putting it to the mouth and once its in you can't smell it any more and the taste is sensational. Orang-utans go ape for it!

ck, my grandmother told me to at least try just a little. You never know, you may like it. I said the same to my daughter when trying king fish, she did and immediately asked for more, she has eaten it ever since and so do her boys.

mitch, I will try that. Thank you 😊

Blue cheese stinks, but people love it, I only like it in broccoli soup, and then I have to hold my nose. 😆

calling it to have a disgusting odour is a bit too much, I don't get why many people don't like the smell, to me it's nice and i swear i have a perfectly normal sense of smell 😅

Whether something tastes/smell delicious or not is subjective. I for one think that durian smells AND tastes awful.

Player #10702960
Player #15456508, my wife is Filipina and she loves it.

Blooply, and Singapore are verry much against carrying it. So much so, you could get a fine for doing so

Player #15456508
In davao city Philippines also sweet, tasty durian people use to bring,smell and eat everywhere. it's our city fruit.

Laudy Miss Claudy
There are two correct answers here. Papaya smells just like vomit...but if you can get past the smell it tastes pretty good.