"This is your brain on drugs" was an ad slogan first used in the USA in which decade?
Correct answer: 1980s

This is your brain(hot skillet), this is your brain on drugs(cracks egg into hot skillet, frying egg). I remember it well, also remember the one that said "nobody ever says, I want to be a junkie when I grow up".

And people have continued frying their brains ever since

There was a companion commercial of a man saying he does drugs so, "I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can do more drugs." He then began walking around in a circle repeating "so I can work more hours, so I can make more money, so I can do more drugs," walking and talking faster with each repetition until he finally disappeared. I was pretty young at the time, but those commercials were quite memorable.

UnopposedYogi27101, You do drugs, you die!! Meth kills something in your brain, cells or something!! it rots your teeth . That's why I wear dentures!! Past all that now, thank God!!!

The pan looks like it has a nonstick coating from the 80's

Rai, those were targeted at the massive amount of cocaine abuse in the 80s also, unfortunately those ads never really work

I was a tween and teen in that decade, and even though I never got deep into drugs, I was no goodie 2 shoes either, those ads, don't really work, just like, "just say no" in the 90s

the brain is a terrible thing to waste ....the rest of the ad

Rachel Leigh Cook was the best for this ad

It worked on me! Never tried ‘em.

Player #14000764
I agree with that commercial ad,against drugs.Those type of ads need to come back. Now since a lot of crimes are committed because of drug abuse.

Player #10610688
UnopposedYogi27101, mine too.