What was Elvis Presley's profession before he became a rock-in-roll star?
Correct answer: Truck Driver

Player Meyer
He was great and I enjoyed his gospel music the best. He sang with great feeling.

Player #96919
jblum315, he sure did, he didn't need any voice enhancement to make his voice great, you only had to watch his live concerts to see how fantastic he was, long live the king, there will never be anyone like him again

Chrono Neko
"Elvis isn't dead, he just went home. " - Men in Black. lol 😂

jblum315, Elvis had the entire package, the looks, the voice, acting ability. A black man's voice in a white man's body. There will never be another!

I'm an Elvis fan, music & acting. He hated being called
"The King" he said Jesus is King.

I love Elvis 😍. I listen to his music all the time. And my four kids, who were born way after his death, love him too!

2gameORnot2game4mE, They never really wrote decent roles for him, they always counted on his music to make the movie a hit.

Player Elf Counsel
Player #96919, Saw him on TV playing Trilogy. Fantastic! He put his whole heart into it. Now I have it on my computer and play it all the time.

Okie Razorback
Player Meyer, "How Great Though Art" being my very favorite.

Player #6882956
jblum315, best singer ever to live, bar none

saw him twice in concert. wonderful memory

I was lucky because I was able to go to one of his concerts I was about 10 rows from the stage

Jesse Tello
The King lives !!!!! 🙌 He is in Vegas! One of the best singers to ever live !!!!!

Player #98120007
He faked his death he is Bob Joyce now a preacher on U- Tube Fact

Wannabe Vulcan
It's rock 'n' roll, not rock-in-roll!

he was the best singer of all time...

I wonder if his life would have been different had he stuck to gospel music. he didn't seem that happy with the way things turned out. his daughter looks so much like him. he would have loved being a grandpa.

To get a good look at a Elvis impersonator, look back about 5-7 years on AGT. Joe Brown did an awesome job as Elvis. (could have been his twin.)

Player #12498225
My dad’s last day in the army was Elvis’ first. They say at the same lunch table and my aunt was so upset because my dad didn’t bother to get his autograph!

Player Gigi #28446253
Player Meyer, his gospel music was the greatest!

Player #31796263
rock-'n'-roll?? questions should at least be spelled correctly.

Player Thad
PattyKake, of course he is...

Player Thad
kelloggs 4791, my aunt went to many of his concerts, she Loved Elvis, she was a big big fan and still is....

Player #30082128
My stepmother dated him.

Player #14521265
thank you, thank you very much !

kelloggs 4791
my aunt got to meet Elvis at graceland in 1970, she said she bout fainted when Elvis walked up to her and introduced himself!

and Black musicians who sang these same songs, maybe even wrote them, are forgotten.

Player #15356356
Wow! the king drove a truck before becoming famous. He was way before my time, but my mom was really in love with him. But I have listened to his music and voice and he was a very talented and gifted singer. and was very good looking man.

Player #16946263
The best that’s why he is the king never be anyone better

Okie Razorback
Player #7929563, No, my 8 year old granddaughter agrees with you, but I really think she says it to annoy me.

He lived in Graceland and loved to eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches. His wife is still alive and has done some acting.

stashio2020, it wasn't the drugs that killed him, he had a heart attack. he was backed up and on the toliet. they did a whole autopsy show on it..he ate a lot of garbage

Player #7929563, Most assuredly.

Player #5100533
jblum315, WOW !!! I never knew that. REALLY ???

( Snail Darter)
JSSmal270, The later part of his life was very sad. I saw one of his shows in Las Vegas in the mid-70’s, and it didn’t really surprise me how his life ended.

Player #1418135
Love me tender one of my favorite. A great entertainer .

SAC69, I agree 100% Sac