Which bird is often used as the symbol of peace?
Correct answer: Dove

Player #46798093
luckycatfay, the dove is not just the symbol of peace but also of LOVE: I say this in Jesus Name!

pity it's not the owl, cos I think the owl and the dove would make a pretty awesome pair. wisdom and peace, what better combination could you want?

Lord gautam buddhais also know as the sign of peace.

yeah really dove is very peaceful bird in the world I think so.😊 😊

Player #15908167
how to change picture

Did you know that doves are actually the holy spirit ?

Byrde Alpha Bitch
millwallmarty, I concur wholeheartedly. If people aren't upon their own pulpit pushing their own beliefs upon the general public; they are upon their soap boxes spouting off their opinions regarding politics. We all have brought up things that could be considered preaching or debating, but this is certainly not the venue for that.

craftmaker76, why do you keep saying that?

millwallmarty, your so right people should keep their preaching off this site.