The Kon-Tiki raft, used by the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, was made of which tree?
Correct answer: Balsa tree

it was a wondrous achievement iback n the day and changed our view of history

Player Elf Counsel
lily 21, I remember seeing it in the newspaper.

Player #16550689
I saw the Kon Tiki in a museum in Oslo, Norway.

The photo is of his much later expedition, "Ra", in a boat made from papyrus.

I was thrown off by the label 'explorer', thinking he started from Europe centuries ago like someone with the last name of Erikson. Balsa trees are native to the Americas.

magnificent achievement!

I saw this ship in Oslo, it is very close to Fram museum, just on the other side of the street.

Player Bengal Mama
TestyAlien3443, Heard on History Channel recently that the word Balsa means raft in the local people's language.

Player Elf Counsel, still celebrated today with an annual balsa raft sailing in the bay from the village of Salango in Ecuador