What do most microbats eat?
Correct answer: Insects

* Seshati *
Player #21173880, yeah sadly at present this is a truth that’s hard to ignore. Regardless I will continue to admire them .. some more than others lol I love fruit bats aka flying foxes the most.

I don't have the best eyesight and I do think bats are cute bit that one looks lifeless to me is it even alive?

Reno, so cute!

My country Grandparents had a large stone chimney which had been blocked off in favour of a gas heater. When I went to stay I always heard lots of squeaking in the lounge room but my Grand's always told me my ears were deceiving me as they couldn't hear anything. Wasn't until I was a lot older and noticed the pipistrels leaving the chimney at dusk that I realised the bat squeaks were too high for their aged hearing .Never told them as my Pa would probably have tried to get rid of the bats.

Player #2512936
I Wish people would Stop destroying them! They are very Important for agriculture since they eat Lots of insects.