The president of which country has been described as "the world's humblest head of state"?
Correct answer: Uruguay

Player #8197877
How nice to have been giving so much back to his people.

There should be more heads of state like him. Unfortunately the majority of them are greedy and narcissistic. What a shame.

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Do you think the trumpanator and sputin could take a leaf 🍀 out of this Champs book?

It’s about time that billionaires begin donating a majority of their excess money to help mankind. They could maintain their billionaire standing but please take a page from Buffet’s book and give away that wealth to help people. What are they afraid of?

He was humble, honest and respectful to all, regardless of their views. I wish we all learn of his example

Bernsoi, and the greediest narcissist is about to take office in January. God help us all!

Roxanne, My thoughts and prayers are with you all especially the relatives I have living there.

Pepe Mujica is an example of human being and leader.