What do turtles not have?
Correct answer: Teeth

Laudy Miss Claudy
I received a tiny pet turtle as a teenager and kept it for 20 years until it died. It grew to the size of a dinner plate and his name was Tommy.

Take it from someone who's been bitten by a goose they haven't got teeth either just a serated bill but they bloody hurt.

Player Turtle Rox
Love turtles! Mine were named Who, What, When, Where and Why. Why grew to be big and he would swim over and eat out of your hand.

Laudy Miss Claudy, my first pet was a turtle. i kept him from age 7 to 20 and then gave him to another person who still has him!!

snapping turtles don't need teeth to bite.

I was going to get a pet turtle but the pet shop said they can't sell them because they carry diseases. so I got a cat instead. they're a lot more fun.

We have a tortoise named Turt Cobaine. She comes up to me when I talk to her. She love’s attention 😂

kelo wren, I never seen a cat with a beak

Gold Biscuit
luckycatfay, yup .. they're aggressive too