Which disorder is characterized by difficulties with social interaction and by repetitive behavior?
Correct answer: Autism

Player #7823831
I have a God Son who is autistic and he loves fans!!!! Any and every fan he can also take them apart and put them back together. He wants to be an engineer. Love that kid.

Player #9043571
ezasjel, I agree, my second son is autistic and attended a special school. he is now at college and doing really well, so proud of him!

My 16 year old son is autistic, he is the most honest person i know and LOVES with his whole ❤

My son is on the spectrum. He has high anxiety and school stresses him out a lot. He has night terrors and sleep walks. I pray when the day comes he finally sleeps through the night without an episode. As a parent, it hurts to watch your child suffer. He's my beautiful miracle and I am grateful for being his mama 😌

Many autistic people are resistant to touch or prefer ritual touch. One autistic man I knew would greet people he knew with a quick hug of less than a second. He always insisted on having his hair cut in a buzz cut. If he trusted you, you were allowed to stroke his hair.

#nana11 you are absolutely correct and thank you for commenting , as the parent of a non verbal autistic son I've done lots of research so parents out there immunization is very very important for healthy kids , and please remember autistic people are just like the rest of us my autistic son is no different than my other 5 children .Get to know someone with autism today and learn how intelligent and wonderful they are.

Daedalus, Absolutely! Let's not equate a Google search with a medical degree and experience.

Player #13087862
ezasjel, my grandson is on the autism spectrum, but it would not be noticed by most people - - they may think he behaves badly, though! The 1 in 59 includes these cases of autism, too, not just severe, hard-to-function in society cases.

Player #2975033
Lionessa, two friends with children on the spectrum have found that weighted blankets work well for slerp issues x

Player #18449987
Player #5515970, I know I have it. I am in my mid forties but was only recently diagnosed with autism. Harder to diagnose women anyway though.

my grandson had also autism but hax memorize the alphabet and can read Numbers from 1000+ but not yet gone schooling..can read.a bit

KREE, true they are incapable of lying and experience pure emotion from joy to rage. My son seems to express emotion with his whole body but has to prepare himself for others to touch him.

Girls are underdiagnosed with autism as they mask and don't present the same way as autistic boys do. The saying "when you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person" sums it up. Autism and ADHD frequently occur together too.

My son is on the spectrum, it annoys me when people say to me "he doesnt look autistic". Like everyone with ASD has some sort of defining feature.

I have a son that's autistic he loves anything that spins

Player #9043571, gives me hope for my 5 yr old....still non verbal

I was diagnosed with Asperger's in 2007. Honestly, this really helped explain a lot about my whole life.

Player #7823831, I will be his fan.😊

Player #9043571, my second son is also autistic and attended special school. He has just completed his first term at university studying computer science and I couldn't be prouder!

My youngest child has autism. As a toddler, he loved letters; his favorite was "w". We had tons of letters of all sizes and colors all over the house. By the time he was 18 months old, he knew all of his letters, shapes, colors, and numbers. When he was 2, I discovered he could read. It's amazing how minds work.

Player #31607544
Player #18449987, Snap. I am exactly the same. I was only diagnosed in March last year and I'm 45

Kono Theophile
My 11 year old has Aspergers too on the acute end of almost being normal, but he’s very normal for us too very smart, considerate and he reminds me of Sheldon on Big Bang Theory, also monetary issues are a non issue, not social at all but the purest heart

Player #30408675
My 21 yr old daughter is on the spectrum but its made far more complicated by the various long term co-morbidities that may and can attach themselves to the ASD ..she will be with me always ..very little education..incredibly gifted artistically and has the purest of souls..we save each other every day

Player #5515970
I think I have it

Stephen jude
Player #9043571, that's brilliant

Player #7823831, my nephew love fans

This one bothers me somewhat. My first thought was that the question describes some aspect of all the answer choices. Upon reflection, it came to me that maybe my perception of the possible answers is flawed. I'll accept "autism" as the correct answer, but with some doubts.

Knodel1966, total crap!

Player #nana11, Fortunate or Unfortunate to hav a loved one w this condition . Think , if we all had a tiny bit of this condition ? World Peace 🤗

Player #8197877
Player #7823831, my grandson is exactly the same. will sit and watch a fan for ages.

Autism and Dementia are not similar or equable. Symptoms may present in different fashion. If all disease and harm suffered presents in "similar" and "familiar" fashion, it should follow that one need never consult or be treated by a health professional. Simply research any symptoms on the internet and then treat same with confidence.