Owls build their nests with what?
Correct answer: Owls don't build their own nests

They're quite the silent hunters. The only thing I heard was a squeak, when a spotted owl grabbed a mouse from a nearby branch.

we had little ground owls in California. big big eyes. looked like little stuffed animals

Owls are my favorite winged animals. Intelligent, majestic, and fierce.

Player #10628065
Owls eat snakes and rodents. I like them

ElixSkipper, it's scary how quietly they fly. Had one fly right over me and I didn't hear a thing. Just felt the air and saw it as it was flying away.

Player Cosmo Chic, we have great horned owls in the Phoenix mountain preserves I sometimes see them on rocks at sunset absolutely majestic!

Kevin McCormack
I live right beside the Woods, and about 2 years ago, a large 🦉 owl, perched itself on the tree right outside of my living room window, and it was staring right in my window for about 10 minutes. I have to say, it kind of freaked me out a bit.

I love barn owls

Player #14132930
I've watched owls build a nest on the ground with leaves and grass, and had chicks, right across from our house.

( Snail Darter)
Sonicgirl, A ten lb. owl can lift a 65 lb. deer?? I think that you need to lay off the bong for a few weeks.....

I love owls !! I was once bicycling under a tunnel where a hawk was sleeping and it attacked me, an owl came out of nowhere and attacked the hawk !! No one believes me, but it really happened. It was actually terrifying !!

little b
I love 💕 owls

luningning, oh now i know about owls

Gary, No Owls are all nocturnal

Player #14132930, You're A True Player #101

Tricky questions 😆

Larissa, The Great Horned Owl is named for the Tufts that make it look like it has horns!
The picture is of an Great Horned Owl!

Player #103402088, I've seen owls build nests in the barn rafters when I was growing up!
We also had bats in the barns rafters, but the owls didn't hunt the bats!
I guess they were mainly after the insect and rat population that thrived around the farm!

DJH, It's a certain type of snake that lives off of insects such as roaches and ticks that burrow into the owls nest!
If the snake dies, the owl quickly replaced it with another!

ElixSkipper, When I was younger, I was sitting outside with a girl I was seeing!
a huge snow owl flew just a couple of feet above our heads startling us because we never heard a sound, and we only saw it because it blocked the moonlight as it passed over!
Eerily magnificent moment!

Owls keep snakes as pets. Look it up.

Owls befriend blind snakes

love owls. owlets are so cute and gorgeous. when we lived in the country we had a circular driveway and one of them used to sit on the fencepost. big eyes lit up at night in the car headlights coming around.

farzana Meera
owls are pretty amazing hunters. They are special animals because they have good vision at night 🌃.

Player #103402088
sorry, but this isn't correct in Australia! we have owls that build nests in tree hollows

I was once chased and terrorized on my bike by a night hawk and an owl came out of nowhere and chased it away !! A ridiculous and unbelievable story ?? Yes, it is, but it's true !!

Dr smart
Basically they are renters.

owl not for me I'm so not into them.

Maria , owl 🦉

Owls ate my absolute favorite animal. I didn’t know the correct answer to this question. I never knew this about owls!!

🦉 are so majestical

Owls are very wise!🦉❤Lol!

An owl picked up my dog and carried into the clouds

Player #10628065, me too!

Player #83052884
seriously 😒

I heard sometimes if there is a long answer that is correct… sometimes

a right 👈

Tanishka Gupta
I don't know that fact before answer it.

talk about lazness the pulled a Tom Sawyer

Miss. Bhagirathi
All these days, I thought that owls build their own nests