Which cat breed is in the picture?
Correct answer: Siamese cat

These gorgeous kitties are amongst the most vocal of the cat breeds.

Siamese are my favorite type of cat. They are very smart, loving and very entertaining. They are also very naughty because they are so smart. Mine have stolen my jewelry and hidden it. My favorite one was very loving to me but hated everyone else. Her name was CeeCee which stood for Cujo Cat. She would attack anyone coming into the house sometimes before they entered the house (this included a police officer)However, if they had
bags of Doritos or Cheetos in their hands she would allow them to

Love Siamese. Such beautiful eyes and markings. Never owned one though.

Chrono Neko
Toots, I had a cat named Jewel who would steal things, especially my sister's socks. We changed her name to Jewel thief when we realized what was happening, but she was a calico not Siamese.

lily 21, My Maggie too! She was beautiful.

Player #14993519.
Toots, My. Favorite cats too,,I have a lovable , intelligent, sweet ,beautiful one,,Jade,,wow,,got her from the pound,,

We had a siamese queen we inherited from my hubby's grandmother. She was VERY talkative!

ElixSkipper, ...to put it mildly! Ours would meow when one of us was missing. Unfortunately, my husband worked nights, and that cat would meow at the bedroom door every few minutes until he came out.

I'm a cat person (well, animal person). I currently have 3 cats (all domestic shorthair...bronze stripe tabby coat, chocolate ticked tabby coat and black coat) and they all talk. But they aren't as vocal as a Siamese. My momma had a smoke point Siamese named Ching-Ching some years ago and she talked, but not as much as other Siamese cats I had encountered. I guess she had a different demeanor. Anyway, cats are loads of fun to watch. They're so inquisitive, smart, and stealth.

The Tonkinese has similar coloring but a less muscular body and a rounder head.

Not fan of cats. i am more of a dog person

we have a black tipped siamese he is such a funny cat so titchy. he was white as a kitten then got the black face and tips as an adult

The can be a bit crazy. They can get this look in their eyes like I have to be upstairs yesterday!!

Pretty kitty.

I have 5 cats all rescue, not a stylish Siamese but they are all talking. They range from the age of 10-2. Stella, Zoe, Oliver, Sam and Molly Moo. Molly is starting to find her voice now but then she is the youngest. Stella is the oldest and is deaf and therefore loud and very vocal.

Very beautiful, smart, affectionate but not clingy

ElixSkipper, not truth. Siamese don‘t like other cats. Only humans

I have had 2 siamese cats in my lifetime and they are special, very smart and funny. I miss them.

Love Love, love this breed! I have had cats in my life as long as I've been around, and Siamese are always special. I have a Lynx Point now, and he rules the home...has full on conversations with us when we come home, and I'm glad I don't totally understand the language, because I KNOW he's cussing me out sometimes...then he's one of the best cuddle-bugs I've ever known... I'm very blessed he shares his world with me...

Got distracted by the Siamese at my feet and pressed the wrong button.... lol

I had a "Simalayan" cat as a kid, half Siamese, half Himalayan. Got her as a kitten. Beautiful cat.

My mother raised, bred and showed Siamese Cats in the 70s. We had some really great ones and some that were really temperamental. I always enjoyed playing with the kittens.

I have this one, and he's so charming

ElixSkipper, my black DSH cat was very vocal and I wondered if she had some Siamese in her.

ZyggyStardust, I absolutely love these cats

I got 4 siamese cats in my house. All different personalities but still mostly some of them are ok I guess. Very bueatiful cats but you know they are cats so I', not really a cat person. More of a dog and horse one.

Player #3366575, I have a ragdoll also great cats!

Player #3366575
Hunt Nelson44, I have a lovable rag doll.