What is living together of 2 different species called?

Correct answer: Symbiosis

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Roma Naclef
Roma Naclef
Very poorly worded question. "Living together" is just cohabitation. Symbiosis is interdependency resulting in better outcomes than both organisms might achieve alone.
Symbiotic relationship.
Player dlb
Player dlb
Roma Naclef, yes very poor wording
A symbiotic relationship may be mutually beneficial, beneficial to one OR NEITHER.
B Dog
B Dog
Roma Naclef, correct. If I have a tapeworm we are not symbiotic, it’s a parasitic system, but we are “living together”. (It’s only symbiosis if I contracted the tapeworm deliberately as a weight loss tactic 😂)
like the clown fish and the coral/anemone. love a clown fish, like Nemo