Which discipline studies poltergeist?

Correct answer: Parapsychology

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What people think about it: 23 Comments
science can not explain everything...
Player Elf Council
Player Elf Council
Birdiemom, I was born and raised in a haunted house. Well, a lot of weird things happened. Things did vanish and turn up later as you say but we also had footsteps in empty rooms and voices in the hallway. Not nice. However, our last house in New South Wales had so many things disappearing and never coming back it was really annoying. I was glad to get out and return to Queensland before we lost everything.
I didn't believe in ghosts and found it hard to believe people that have experienced paranormal activity until I saw a ghost myself . left me shaken for a good minute 🥶
I live in a old 1923 apartment that use to be a main hotel here in Centralia WA. I , and many others have seen, and felt things unbelievable.
Player #15356356
Player #15356356
Loved the movie back in the 80's.
Player #2456261
Player #2456261
Imagine how quickly you would be laughed out of a courtroom if your explanation was a ghost did it. Never been reasonable evidence of the supernatural despite centuries of study. Wonder why.
little b
little b
I'm not good at parapsychology
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
Player #2456261, it’s because they don’t really exist.
Charmaine Phillips
Charmaine Phillips
Gary_Melbourne, 100%
Charmaine Phillips
Charmaine Phillips
Gary_Melbourne, I agree 💯%
I don't believe in ghosts of deceased people. I do believe as a Christian in demonic spirits that work the way you have described .When we lived in San Pedro, My daughter's bed lifted against the wall. There's no way I could have done that.
Player #33444691
Player #33444691
Reno, I have heard footsteps from the spirit of somebody I knew she blew into my ear to let me know she was there and actually appeared when I was in bed I have also had telepathic experience one night somebody I knew was telling me he couldn't come saying I cant I cant
I lived in a pad where people have passed away in, an I swear, they're not the sweetest of spirit's! A mean spirit tore the crud out of my bedroom one time. I should know, I was there. I asked it to go away, an not to go away mad, just go away. It did an I ended up moving out. I pray for spirit's to see the light, for it's much better on the other side. Amen to the situation people's. 🤗
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Player Elf Council, you had the wee lil people playing tricks on yee. Lol!
Sarfraz+Fatima 😍😘🤩
Sarfraz+Fatima 😍😘🤩
Knodel1966, science is based on the valid and seen not on the unseen maybe thats why
im not real enought for you
Player #16273073
Player #16273073
Player Elf Council, how scary
Nice information 👻
Player #15356356
Player #15356356
There here!
#Royal queen #2468
#Royal queen #2468
Player Elf Council, so creepy👻👻😨
I live in a house where it sounds like people are walking upstairs even when we are all downstairs and things disappear a lot. It’s creepy as and I was told a poltergeist story and I think it is true
Mostly they like to hide a kid's shoe or something, that turns up weeks later in plain sight. At least that's been my experience with them, when my kids were little.
Player #6261218
Player #6261218
craftmaker76, is that all you know. lol