What instrument did Ravi Shankar play?
Correct answer: Sitar

Destino Manifesto
Shankar was also Nora Jones' father.

Bobbysan, George Harrison loved the sitar

ChewyGazelle68623, he died in 2012. He was 92 years old and remains a legend

InvaluableBook2, Brian Jones mastered it too. He and George were good friends and no doubt they inspired each other and swapped playing tips.

He is awesome ☺️all time favorite

Player #20447742
a full picture of the instrument would be appreciated.

little b
I've not been to the siar

I did not know the answer to this question

I didn't know what it was, i just made a guess.

I definitely knew this one!

Arnav Dahal
he also performed in 1969 Woodstock..

Becca Sue
Player #15459203, nope. Look it up. Nora and Quincy are not related.

I remember Ravi Shankar real well!! what ever happened to him??