Which bird has the largest wingspan of all living birds?
Correct answer: Wandering albatross

Destino Manifesto
Wow! That's a bird that can "ride the thermals" forever!

WatHarvester5661, I think the picture might actually be a condor, even though that was not one of the answer choices - as we all know, the game does try to fool us. I saw a program on TV once about seabirds, one of which was an albatross - although it can soar easily for a long time once it gets airborne, the very long wings make it very hard for that to happen. 2019

that's something New & interesting

I googled and they look a bit like a gull on steroids!

Kellie, Me too.

Destino Manifesto, Has to eat, don't you think

It would be so amazing to see one of these stunning birds up close.

Destino Manifesto, always thought it was the Andean condor.

Thanks go to Iron Maiden and David Attenborough

Sonja Griseldis, So sad 😞 kind of like Pelicans who starve to death because they go blind from their high dives into the water for fish.

they breed in Otago, New Zealand

Destino Manifesto, I learned this fact from this game!

Sonja Griseldis
They're very skillful in the air, but not very good at landing. Some even break their necks in the process

Player #5100533
I'm glad that "Condor" was not one of the answers. I thought that was the bird with the largest wing span.

Player #9692394, yeah, me too!

[bobbo16], Yes. The tiger sharks turn up for the flying lessons. Never ones to miss an opportunity.

beebee, or craps on you. Can you imagine that? It'd be like a cow!

HandyMint, and the South American condor comes in as a close second, but no cigar.

Player Elf Council
Sacred Cow I, Saw one once in Geelong, just south west of Melbourne. Spectacular!

Sacred Cow I, I thought it was the Andean Condor.