What is the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?
Correct answer: Turtles dwell in or near water, tortoises dwell on land

my aunt rescued a tortoise from a couple of boys that had struck it a few times with a axe on its underside. she cleaned it with soap and water and kept it in her garden for a while until one day it disappeared. some years later she saw a tortoise in her back yard and turned it over. it had a scar on its underside. she figured it was the same one she had rescued.

millwallmarty, I had a desert tortoise for several years. He would turn sideways to open the screen door to come and go from the house to the yard. He would also eat the cats' food if his dish was empty.

PhreshPhish, my mom rescued desert tortoises. There's quite a colony in her backyard now. 😁

They forgot to mention terrapin that live partially on land and in marshes and ponds.

Temperature affects the gender of turtles. Not sure which way it is but if it is below a certain temp, then the offspring will be female. Above a certain temp - male. Crocodiles are the same. So with global warming, only one gender of turtles and extinction!

We have a tortoise and she is very sociable. She watches the fish in the tank next to hers, she watches tv, and she will also walk up to me or turns to look at me when I talk to her. We spent around $400 on her when she got sick.

lizzyn 62
Both are from the family of Chelonians

lizzyn 62, Also Testudines

Player #77118933
Jonathan the giant tortoise is the oldest known land animal, still living in the Seychelles.

Once again the longest option is correct.