Who was the architect of Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson?
Correct answer: Thomas Jefferson

It’s absolutely beautiful! It was a remarkable house during its time and still is!

It's beautifully constructed. I'd like to 👀 it one day.

Monticello still stands on the campus of UVA. I am a happy alumni of that wonderful university in Charlottesville, VA.

Toured Monticello and its grounds. It was lovely. So much history in that region.

I went there a lot growing up it is a wonderful place one of my most favorite places. My aunt taught at the university and took us there all the time she was vey much into history.

Player #4250921
CubicAftermath, Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense which inspired the colonies to declare independence as opposed to merely ask for a redress of grievances. Jefferson still gets credit for authoring the Declaration of Independence.

Player #120374466, violet, who owns you?

Player #120374466
Jefferson was into energy-efficiecy ahead of his time. Of course in the middle east artitects came up with designs to conserve cool air in their buildings before Jefferson's time period

Player #120374466
Violet, who owns you?

Wench, they may think they can own another person, but they cannot