In which ocean did the Titanic sink?

Correct answer: Atlantic Ocean

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
Player #96919
Player #96919
ChewyGazelle68623, yes, there needn't have been such a great loss of life if the ship had enough lifeboats, the few they had was lowered into the icy waters with hardly any people in them, a tragedy and scandalous
what a tragedy it was!!
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Grumpy Fossil, they found the metal to be brittle & a fire in the boiler room hadn’t been snuffed out from before it disembarked according to a doc I saw once, this helped the metal to warp.
TenseDragon91145, they were trying to get the Blue Ribband (fastest crossing)
A lot of things went wrong on that fateful voyage from Morse code transmissions to the Carpathian thinking that the flares going off on the Titanic was the Titantic celebrating its maiden voyage to hitting the iceberg on an angle. Experts have said that if the Titantic had hit the iceberg head on it probably would not have sunk at all.
The movie is outstanding but I could never handle watching it a second time. Such a tragedy.
The best thing the Captain should have done, was to drop anchor. After all he had the iceberg warning in his hand. they could have continued in the morning slowly when there was adequate light.
Dorothy , That must be very challenging and I’m sorry you live with such things. Never give up hope! I too suffer from autoimmune diseases that cause chronic pain and affect my daily life; but I will say; having a diagnosis is half the battle, so yea for that! Learn how to adapt & overcome to the best of your ability and be grateful for your life! And if you don’t know Christ, may you choose to - he makes all the difference! Many blessings to you.
I accidentally got that wrong. My finger slipped.I often have that problem. L think that it's because I have Episodic Celabeller Syndrome. I just found out that I have Sticker's Syndrome also. I knew I have many disabilities. So now I know more about myself.
HairyTheHippo, actually they weren’t, Titanic was not, and could never be, as fast as the record holder of the time, Mauritania, which was build for speed, unlike Titanic which was built for size and luxury. Titanic chasing the Blue Ribbon is a myth.
Check out out the book Futility or by another title, The Wreck of the Titan. It will absolutely amaze you.
George, The murderer captain killed those people!
Same thing with both the HMS Hood and the German pocket battleship Bismarck during WWII in 1941...
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Too much Ego and bragging!