Which movie features actresses Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon?
Correct answer: The Witches of Eastwick

I love this movie expectly when they get jack nickson

Jack Nicholson, the little devil, was good in this too. The women were beautiful.

I want to see this movie..can't believe I've never seen it and I love 80's movies!

Player #20367796
what a great movie and I'll tell you what with four permanent Stars to remember and it was Cher who said it was the only role she had to audition for and enjoyed every moment of it playing with all three of those actors

Byrde Alpha Bitch
"Have another cherry."

Great movie with Jack too!

Great, fun film!

Hocus Pocus starred Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Njimy.

Player Tystyx

Three great actresses, beautiful all, and one terrific actor, Jack N., made this a super fun and enjoyable movie. Thnx!

knowledge hunger
This doesn't tell THE WHOLE STORY Jack Nickerson's character is a Warlock charming the 3 Ladies Disguise as each of their ❤️ interests!! They had "A 🌃 to Remember" & trapped him in a Orb...the women became 🫄🫃🤰by him . he tries to talk to his toddler kids & The Moms always STOPS ✋️ them!! The Look on Jack's face was 😅CLASSIC 🤣!!

My wife, three kids and I lived in Cohasset, Massachusetts where the movie was filmed. In the opening scene, when the camera zoomed in on our Common, you can see the fall colors on the leaves. But since it was summertime, the leaves had to be painted with orange, red and brown tempra paint done by a group of “townies!!”
Fun movie