According to a Greek myth, Zeus transformed the Pleiades into which of these?
Correct answer: Stars

Also known as the seven sisters.

The Subaru logo...pleides star cluster

* Seshati *
Player #9113963, what are u rambling on about? I think this game is wonderful & I’m thankful for it, I prefer to read comments that are thought provoking or interesting even but really loathe to read negative comments made for no apparent reason. I agree with the comment of another on here .. I hope u didn’t become a teacher yikes 😳

Known as Matariki to New Zealand Maori

I've read many times there are actually hundreds of Stars in The Pleiades and 7 are revered ... The First Nation people of Central Australia also have them in their Sacred knowledge

First you think the Abrahamic mythology is completely bonkers in its complexity, then you start reading about the Greek/Roman pantheons - how would one memorize it all?

Longball McShortShaft
The Pleiades of leisure

* Seshati *
ZyggyStardust, a bit like but not entirely the same in Stardust

That's where our descendants come from

Player #8988878Xet
The Pleiades is actually a cluster of about 40 'young stars'...

Player elguapo
RareEngineer194, is it missing one?