What are baby hedgehogs called?
Correct answer: Hoglet

Player #96919, I have hedgehogs in my garden.
People, please make your garden "hog" friendly. Leave gaps between gardens so they can wander safely.
If you know you have hogs, provide winter hibernation "bedrooms" and food,(not fish based and definitely not bread and milk) I buy hedgehog food from the pet shop.
Please check bonfire wood piles before you light them.
If you see a hedgehog out in daylight, it needs help. Contact the RSPCA (or similar!)

Player #96919
Player Elf Counsel, hedgehogs are dwindling in numbers and are under threat of disappearing from our environment. It's a shame cos they are cute harmless creatures and if seen wandering near roads and dangerous places then please take them and put them in a place to roam in safety

Saved one last summer swimming in circles in my pool. Thought it was just a large leaf at first, rehoused it at a local park.

* Seshati *
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, thank you for your advice on making garden hog friendly.. bless all the critters we share this planet with.

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, you are a dear for taking care of the animals.

Player #3532789
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, so do I. And have had guests for years. One year I had a Mom and her baby!!!

Player Elf Counsel
Looks a cute.

* Seshati *
Player #96919, thank you for your info & advice yes make gardens hog friendly, pray there numbers get better.

I replaced my boundary fence last year and created "hog" holes. At first no hedgehogs appeared, but I did get a badger in the garden.
Since the end of winter hedgehogs have started to visit, I tried hedgehog food but they walked straight past and ignored it! They seem to prefer mealworms and sometimes the peanuts left for the badger.
Leaving fresh water for them is also a good idea.

Player #9043571
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, I have one too, it lets me stroke it. I love hedgehogs especially Mrs tiggiwinkle

sillybee, what an adorable story, animals are the greatest creatures on earth.😍

I am 73, all my life we have called them pups. There are many players who are older than 30!

* Seshati *, YES and Bless You for Caring also x

why would someone answer dog/puppy

as a kid in an English village we left wheatabix out for them, one morning we found a baby lying on top of the wheatabix with all four legs going like a swimmer out of water. we set him back on the ground a never left whole wheatabix out, only broken bits.

They are called pups.

That's a fact

Marshall, you're a good man Marshall 👍

Chilled Tea
There is a cafe in Japan where you can pet hedgehogs! 🦔

Selimi Muuhammad
I though was fawn 🤔😁

Hoglet!!! haha such a sweet name! lol

hedgehogs are not allowed in CA, along with ferrets, gerbils and other animals. Do people own black market ones, yes. However, they are illegal

Player #9153958
Player #96919, indigenous of?

Player #3532789, I'm so pleased for you, I haven't seen hoglets since I was a child but I did move to Australia, (so, no hedgehogs, but some pretty awesome animals)
I've only just moved to a badger free location (in Shropshire) so I'm hopeful for next year.

JezzerLX, 😂😁