Of the following positions, which is not located on the line of scrimmage in American football?
Correct answer: Quarterback

Wow! I actually knew a sports answer !!!! Yay 😁

Player Meyer
UnopposedYogi27101, I am sorry to hear that Cam Newton is so offensive. Tom Brady of the New England Patriots is probably the best quarterback although he is not very popular.

Player #13873947
So apparently everyone commenting doesn't have a problem with the fact that he, his coach, and the management have been caught cheating?

toothless beachrat
Mars V, I met Kurt Warner the day of the 2nd Space Shuttle explosion while I was working in Cabo San Lucas at a luxury resort called Las Ventanas. (the windows) It was January of 2003 if I recall correctly. I was fixing a Precor elliptical and Kurt was working out in the fitness center. We spoke about the horrible tragedy and he went to his room, retrieved a couple of his football cards, signed them and gave them to me...

Mars V
The greatest undrafted player in NFL history…Kurt Warner.

UnopposedYogi27101, if the team owner agreed with you, Newton would be replaced, would he not?

UnopposedYogi27101, I do not agree. He showboats, no question, but he puts everything he has into every play.

UnopposedYogi27101, I think he's great.